Calvary Load In & Setup

Welcome VENDORS to the 2023 Krewe of Kolosse Mardi Gras Parade!   We are very excited to have you all be a part of THE HAPPIEST DAY IN DOTHAN.   The Parade is a very large event with a lot of moving parts.   In order to help you get where you need to be, and to help ourselves manage an event of this size, we have created detailed maps with load-in times and locations.   Please be advised the load-in times are extremely strict.

If you fail to meet your time, you will forfeit your position and move to the end of the line.  If you fail to be loaded in by 12 PM, you will not be allowed to set up, will not be allowed to register in 2024, and will forfeit your registration fee.

Girard Intermediate School, Calvary Baptist Church, & First United Church please be advised these areas will begin at 1 PM.   Your areas will be marked off.   You will also have a security officer at each of the locations to ensure set up is a success.

This is mainly for all food vendors.  We will have an auditor in each location.   We will be auditing window speed and customer service.  As the parade grows and becomes a part of Dothan culture, we only want the best of the best vendors.   This is one reason the entry fee was $300.   There is money to be made at this event.  The key is going to come down to 1) a condensed menu of 4 – 5 items and 2) being able to prep those items that allows them to get out of the window quickly.   If you have a ticket time of 4 – 10 minutes, you will have a hard time at this event. People come to events to escape life for a minute, not to wait in line while the event passes them by.

1 – Do not leave trash behind.  If you do, you will be fined and not allowed to register in 2024.
2 – This is a family friendly event.   All things you do must be family safe.
3 – If you see something, say something.
4 – Leave the area better than you found it.
5 – If you experience a vendor setting up who is not registered, please let the security guard know and he will contact the police.
6 – Trading of locations or set up spots is not allowed.
7 – Have fun.

Again, thank you. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Clay Dempsey by either or (334) 435 – 4261.